MacAfee & Mr. T
MacAfee & Mr. T

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One day MacAfee emerged from the aether of time and showed up at my house! What happened next, any novice could certainly guess: MacAfee and Mr. T bonded. It was like watching a buddy film played out in real life.
His little friend

Buddies for life.

Mac and T show how cool they are

High five!

T hitches a ride

Piggy back fun!

La la la, time to eat

MacAfee goes to the fridge, perhaps for a snack.

A surprise so great the camera didn't focus

A surprise awaits him inside!

There are two iced teas in this picture

It's Mr. T!

High fives all around

Yeah! That's awesome!

The Monthly MacAfee

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Page engaged 1 June 2005.
Last updated 1 June 2005.
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