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Issue 10

5 June 2006.
No school means that I have quite a bit of free time on my hands ... time that I could put to good use by updating my websites. For the time being the schedule will switch over to a monthly updating schedule. I'd like to resume the habit of drawing a pic a day, but even if I do that won't mark weekly updates. They'll continue to be accumulated at month's end. Maybe twice monthly if I'm really industrious.

Mesmer's Psycrystal • 18 April 2006

This should have been included in the previous issue but I forgot to scan it because I drew it in the notebook I don't often use.

Ian's character in D&D, Mesmer, utilizes a psycrystal that can scout ahead and relay its information back to his brain. Now, when it comes to fantasy concepts like that I can be pretty unimaginative. Frankly, I'm a sci-fi guy, so while I might have trouble imagining some glowing sphere of magical energy transmitting psychically back and forth, I quite readily accept a more mechanical device doing the same thing. In this case, a probot from The Empire Strikes Back (only not remembered very well).

I Hate the Internet • 1 May 2006

On Monday the first of May I decided that I ought to restart the pic a day program, drawing a picture every day. It was a noble start, but I wasn't yet finished with school, having an exam on Russian history to study for and a final presentation for my European Geography class to make. Those goals took the rest of the week; the exam was on Wednesday and I gave the presentation on the war in Chechnya on Friday. After that I got sidetracked on other long-neglected projects and just never got around to remembering to draw stuff. As a sign of my distraction, I didn't even shade this picture until I was about to scan it a month later.

This drawing is sort of true, really. The Internet is a fiendish, soulless succubus that is gradually sucking the life out of me.

The Last Days in Der Osthimer Bunker • 20 May 2006

After four long years of working on and off, Jeff&Erin's basement finally reached a habitable state of completion! With a fancy projector and screen installed and a nice, plush couch they now have a neat home theater going on. On 20 May we moved our D&D session downstairs for the first time into the basement, where Jeff was giddily displaying the players guides on the big screen.

To celebrate our move I drew this picture depicting everyone involved in the basement, which from now on I shall call "Der Bunker." Jeff&Erin show off their new room to Charles Meyer, Katy Murray, Devin Collins and James Malcolm while Josh skulks around and a friend goes about business as usual.

Home Sweet Death Star • 28 May 2006

On 28 May Felicity and I went to see X-Men: The Last Stand and wound up at Big Boy afterwards, drawing on the backs of placemats again. Because one of my drawings is a spoiler and the movie's only been out for a couple days I'm changing the order here, so this was the second thing I drew.

This began in my mind as a Victorianesque steam punk style Death Star, with rivets and Mississippi riverboat-style smokestacks. Rather than going in that direction I decided instead on turning the imposing Death Star into a comfortable slice of Americana. With a brick chimney and white picket fence the battle station becomes a warm family home in the suburbs with the TIE minivan parked in front.

The End of X-Men 3 • 28 May 2006

As already noted, we went to see the third X-Men movie. While it was fairly lacking, it wasn't a horrible film like a lot of people have been saying. It in no way shape or form holds up to the excellence of the previous two films in the series, but I thought it was still watchable. The action scenes were really good, but the dialogue and some character behaviors were somewhat iffy.

Deep Blue in Space • 31 May 2006

I was thinking about Deep Blue and wondering if it could ever go on adventures. Then I thought about how cool it would be to send ole Blue into space. Now I'm thinking that this may not be the best idea.

Lederhosen 8 Concept • 2/3 June 2006

Six years ago I told of the short career of JG Enterprises' first space station, Lederhosen 7, on the JG website. That website was never really finished and I'm still working to get it together so I can put it online. Some of you out there may vaguely remember the station if you read that page so long ago. I had designed that station and drawn a patch for it but I'd never figured out what its luckier successor, Lederhosen 8, looked like. This newer station was mentioned in a throw-away line that six years ago I didn't think warranted any more attention but now I think does.

This is the working design of Lederhosen 8. L7 was constructed of cardboard, which proved to be its downfall. L8 is composed of material cut from plastic milk jugs, which provide a sturdier construction.

Bonus Drawings (from the archives)
Because I care

Do Not Consume Spot • c. 1997

For those three people, myself included, who like this site, this is your lucky day. This summer not only will you get more frequent updates, but I'm also scanning in a few older pictures as well. These will be drawings from long ago that weren't already scanned for the Josh's Exposition site (which has sort of been supplanted by this one).

This particular drawing was found in a box when I was cleaning out my closet two years ago. It's undated but can probably be dated back to 1996 or 97. I don't draw people like that anymore. I changed in 2000 because I came to prefer more human-like heads that could show expressions and individuality better.

Roanoke Crab Momma • October/November 1999

During our American Revolution class senior year MacAfee and I came to the rationale that the Roanoke colony was destroyed by a massive crab attack. Heading the attack was the massive momma crab, a biomechanical monstrosity bent on wiping out European colonists and basically befuddling everyone for centuries.

Lederhosen 7 Concept • 2 September 2002

I've decided to include the concept sketch for Lederhosen 7 due to my recent work on her successor (above). It was designed for the flight patch, and the final version turned out pretty close. The biggest change was making the rear portion to be symmetrical, eliminating the outrigger pod. I also modified some features on the front box. The station was intended to be built from cardboard boxes, something I tried to convey in its design. In the JG Enterprises historical texts, Lederhosen 7 was launched in 1997 and was lost to catastrophic decompression a year later.

A Civil War Politician • 10 April 2004

The Civil War Politician was an impression that I once did that annoyed the heck out of certain people. I no longer have anyone who can serve as a suitable subject which is a minor bummer because I liked the impression, but it's better off this way for everyone's nerves, myself especially. This was a quick scribble I did one afternoon along with a couple similar doodles.

Buh ruh ruh ruh. Buh ruh ruh ruh. Buh ruh ruh ruh.
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Engaged 31 May 2006 | Updated 4 June 2006