Issue 1
25 July 2004. Given that the webcomic only updates monthly, I need something else to keep me occupied. To that end I introduce A Pic A Day, daily marker sketches updating each weekend.
It's more an exercise for me, so that I don't slack off with my drawing while continually getting better. As long as I'm making these drawings, I may as well let people see them, hence why they're going online. I'll be updating on the weekends because that's about the only time I'll be able to during the school year.
Marie and the Space Baby • 20 July 2004
Marie really doesn't want to have children, and so considers Space Baby a definate threat.
This drawing was refined from a scribble I did the day before:
Marie Does Not Like It • 21 July 2004
I couldn't think of what to draw, when I saw Marie's scowling face in my mind. So I drew that.
The Terminator • 22 July 2004
I was watching The Terminator. No kidding.
Robot Parade • 23 July 2004
Based on a song by They Might Be Giants (lyrics). This was pretty fun to draw.
Phil's Graduation • 24 July 2004
As a present to Phil for his graduation party, I drew him this picture.