No Skiing For Us
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010
Length: No set length
Type: Multiple films
Format: Open schedule
• January 9, 2010.
Hopefully the skiing is going well. Today we only had time for one movie before Charles had to make a rendezvous (ooh la la) so he, Laura, and I watched W. (dir. Oliver Stone, 2008), the George Bush bioflick.
It was a pretty good movie that, while not at all complimentary to Bush's life and Presidency, is also not entirely disparaging. The movie remains generally neutral and allows Bush and his cronies to bring themselves down by reenacting their own on-the-record discussions and beliefs. It's funny, it's sad, it's surprising, it's maddening. It's also definitely worthwhile, especially so now that the Bush era has ended.
We also decided that Dan could be Karl Rove when he grows up. We will begin calling him Turdblossom the next time we see him.
Frankly, I could use a Rove-like adviser to keep me on track. That would be most helpful.
Finally, Laura brought some old yearbooks that feature Charles before he grew any facial hair. I was shocked -- shocked -- that that's what his chin looks like. Disgusting. I feel really bad for Carla now that I know this.
• January 2, 2010.
Dan went and organized an outdoors skiing/survivalist outing of sorts for tomorrow. It looks like it could be a lot of fun and I wouldn't mind going. Unfortunately, it's a bit too expensive for my tastes and I don't have that much money to spend this weekend. Neither does Charles, for that matter.
That's why we're going to have a day for us thrifty people who wish to keep our pocketbooks tucked away. Presumably this means movies, starting tomorrow, Saturday the 9th at 4:00. Maybe we'll go outside and throw snowballs ... for free.
I even drew a super-affectionate event insignia:
P.S. Don't worry Dan we still love you. It's just a lot of money right now.